Monday, September 15, 2014

I wanted to use my NBA guys in my latest Episode as escorts for some of the taller ladies so I decided to make them a few shirts.  These dudes are 14 inches tall and have a wing span of about 12 inches wide.. To make matters worst, they got these huge ole basketball gripp'n hands.  I had to make a cuff that opens using a Velcro strip. This is one of my first drafts.  

I drafted up a pattern for them and after a few tries came up with some pretty decent dress shirts.  I'm still tweaking the pattern with every shirt I finish so they each look a little different.  The blue one is my latest effort.  The material I used is the Single Fat Quarter 18in x 21in squares from Walmart for $.97 each.  I like to use these because.......well, they're cheap, and I can get at least 2 good shirts from them.  Not bad for under a buck and a lil effort!

I decided to throw in a vest and tie for good measure.  I used ribbon from the dollar store to make the ties.  If it's too wide just fold, press and run a quick seam up the middle,

"they don't have no shoes or nuthin Jesus!"  I gots to get to hookin up some shoes for ma fellows!  LOL!