Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Latest Male Fashionista

I went ahead and purchased this latest male Fashionista at the TRU price a couple of weeks ago because they only had 2 of them in the store.  This week I purchased another one because they became available at Walmart.  Here he is in a side by side view with one of my other male Fashionistas.

Below is a picture of him absent the pink lip gloss.  I always remove the painted lips of all my male dolls.

I prefer added facial hair over painted on pastel colors to define the lips of my male dolls.

I like him better without the lip gloss.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Native American Heritage Month

Hope I'm getting a few viewers since I just recently started posting again. I'm just beginning to reacquaint myself on the use of Blogger so there may be a few problems due to "operator error." Please bear with me and any comments would be greatly appreciated!

During my lunch break today I made a stop at one of my favorites Thrift Stores in Pasadena Texas.  I purchased this doll and have been trying to figure out who he is.

After checking the back I learned that it was not produced by Mattel.

He's approximately 12 inches tall, twist & turn, click bend at the knees with wired bendable arms (I'm dating myself by saying like the old Tuttie & Todd dolls).

He came with an attached headband and feather.  He has extremely thick hair.

 Does anyone recognize this Face, let me know if you do!

Thanks for viewing.